Our Purchase Guarantee

At CardCookie, it's our top priority to provide a safe, secure way to get instant discounts on your favorite brands.

To safeguard your experience, CardCookie provides a 100-day guarantee for all gift card purchases. That means we guarantee that any gift card you purchase on CardCookie will be valid at the merchant for the dollar amount confirmed on your order. The guarantee is valid for 100 days from the purchase of each gift card, up to $1,000 per customer.

The CardCookie guarantee covers:

  • Gift cards with zero or incorrect balance upon delivery
  • Gift cards that are found invalid by the merchant

The CardCookie guarantee does not cover:

  • Gift cards that are spent by acquaintances of the purchaser
  • Misunderstandings about where a gift card code can be used
  • Buyer's remorse or refunds for valid gift cards
  • Gift cards that are no longer honored by merchants who go out of business