How to Stop Impulse Buying and Start Saving More

Impulse buying—sweet in the moment, sour (and sometimes stressful) afterward. We’ve all been there. But what exactly is impulse buying, and how can you avoid it to not only reach your savings goals but actually save more? Let’s break it down.

Published on 2025-03-19

The Theory: Why We Impulse Buy

Impulse buying is any unplanned purchase—often for things you don’t actually need. The term dates back to the mid-20th century, when researchers started studying consumer behavior. Studies suggest that emotions, attitudes, and feelings play a huge role in impulse shopping, and, of course, clever advertising ensures products appear at just the right moment with just the right message.

A 2008 study by Mattila and Wirtz found that when people are in a highly stimulating environment—think loud music, bright displays, or even a crowded store—they’re more likely to make impulse purchases. In other words, when your senses are overwhelmed, your wallet is at risk.

The Practice: Breaking the Impulse Spending Cycle

Now that you’ve got the theory, let’s move to practice. If we know that emotions like anger, sadness, frustration, or excitement make us more likely to spend, the best advice is simple: avoid shopping when you’re feeling emotional. But since that’s easier said than done, here are some practical steps to help you out:

  • Make a budget that includes a shopping allowance. Whether it’s clothes, gadgets, or random knick-knacks, setting aside a set amount for “fun spending” helps you enjoy shopping—without guilt or regret.
  • Shop with a plan. Think about what you actually need before you start shopping, and stick to your list.
  • Give yourself permission to buy—but with boundaries. Completely restricting yourself can backfire and lead to even bigger spending splurges later. Mindful spending is the goal.
  • Use the 24-hour rule. When you feel the urge to buy something non-essential, wait a day or two before making the purchase. More often than not, the excitement will fade, and you’ll realize you didn’t really need it.

The Practice: Saving Smarter, Not Just More

Stopping impulse buying is great, but how can you take it a step further and save even more? Here’s how:

  • Set clear savings goals. Any goal is easier to reach when it’s specific and realistic. Define what you're saving for and how much you need.
  • Pay your future self first. Transfer money to your savings account before spending—it should be as non-negotiable as paying a bill.
  • Never forget why you're saving. Keep that goal in mind at all times—whether it’s an emergency fund, a trip, or a big purchase. A visual reminder (like a note on your fridge or renaming your savings account) can keep you on track.

At the end of the day, impulse spending isn’t bad—but being intentional with your money gives you more freedom in the long run. A few small changes can help you enjoy shopping while still building a strong financial future.

Looking to learn more smart ways to save money? Read all about it here. Or better yet